Making Dynisha a Blog

After all the years of infertility and loss, Matthew and I were blessed with a surprise pregnancy. We were pregnant with twins, but unfortunately, Baby A could not stay with us. Baby B grew into a healthy and happy baby girl that we named Bella Marie. We are so blessed to have two beautiful children.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/31/2009 11:52:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Dynisha
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/31/2009 05:04:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Dynisha
There is a very good reason that rough housing makes me nervous, though. People get hurt for real. My mother used to rough house with me. It was a painful and humiliating experience. It's one reason why it's so bothersome to me to this day. She would literally torture me until I peed my pants. Now most people don't take things as far as my mother did, but it still goes too far, too often.
Today is a case in point. Jamie and Dynisha were playing in the living room. The exact details of what happened are still vague. Jamie says Dynisha kicked him and Dynisha says that he fell into her leg while they were wrestling. Doesn't matter. It comes down to rough housing gone wrong. Jamie ended up with a nose bleed. Blood dripped on the floor and on the cat, not to mention his body. The picture is of him after being cleaned up and initially thinking that we had managed to stop the bleeding. Now the little fellow is running around with a piece of tissue in his nostril. So I submit this picture as exhibit A toward my prosecution of rough housing. Most exhibits are in emergency situations where pictures can not be taken. Dynisha thought I was nuts for taking this one. Jamie was no longer in pain or crying and the blood wasn't running everywhere any longer. He was just distraught about the blood and actually posed for the picture, wanting his bloody hand to be seen.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/31/2009 03:26:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom
Today was one of those days. I had a headache I couldn't kick. The kids needed something every five seconds. Matt worked late.
Jamie's bus driver reported that he did "pretty well" today, but that he was kicking the back of the seat. I've never known a child who didn't, so I won't complain too much. I did tell him not to do it anymore.
He began fussing for Dynisha straight off the bus. I've explained to him every day that Dynisha comes home after he does. She gets in about an hour later. I gave him the ice cream he missed out on the day before.
Dynisha came home and immediately the two began to fight. Both were hitting. Both were yelling. Did I mention I had a headache? I tried to appease them both, but there was no use. Dynisha locked herself in her room and Jamie cried that he wanted Isha.
Brianna called twice today. I told her to come over. She said she would come over tomorrow. She wants Dynisha to come home. Dynisha does not want to go. I don't know if she genuinely misses her or if she is just afraid that Dynisha is getting something she is not. Brianna does not like to spend time at my house anymore. I can't say I really enjoy having her much anymore, either. She's got attitude and she only comes over if she wants something. She hates my rules, which are not that demanding. Last time her parents dropped her off she was cussing, screaming, and crying so much that I really wanted to smack her. I wouldn't smack her, though. She's only twelve. She had wanted to stay home alone so she could hang out with her friends, who are boys.
The day wasn't all bad. I got my Gymboree order today, which is something I really was looking forward to. I had forgotten it was arriving today and the doorbell had startled me. Both kids rushed to the door and looked out the window. "It's UPS, Laura!!" I kind of felt bad opening up the package in front of Dynisha, since it was all new clothes for Jamie. She's such a bright and bubbly child, though. She seemed just as excited as me as we went through the new additions to Jamie's wardrobe.
When I showed Jamie the "My Mom Rocks" shirt he said, "Mommy doesn't rock. Daddy rocks." I laughed and showed him the "My Dad Rocks" shirt.
I fixed a good size roast for dinner. We ate late hoping Matthew would make it in time. I ate one slice of roast and the kids finished the remainder. Matthew had canned chili when he got home. I couldn't say no, they don't normally eat that well. I did call Matthew before I gave them his portion. He had been eying the roast for days. He said to give it to the kids if they liked it so much. Poor guy.
After dinner my stomach was acting up. Vomiting and a headache are a bad combination. It feels like your brain might explode. If you have never experienced the two together, I suggest you just take my word for it.
After the kids were bathed and ready for bed, I got lots of sweet hugs and kisses. I picked Jamie up and nuzzled him, all sweet and smelling of soap. Mmmm, I love it right after bath time when the kids are settled, that is, when the kids are settled. I enjoy it when they are gentle and snugly. Wrapped in his towel, I call Jamie my baby burrito. I've been calling him that after his bath since he was a baby. Now he says, "No, I'm not a baby burrito. I'm Jamie." He laughs and we have a play argument about it.Now the house is quiet. Jamie is sleeping with Dynisha. Matthew is watching TV, and I'm taking a few moments to blog about the day while I do more of the never ending laundry. They look so sweet and peaceful. It's easy to forget the trials of the day when you look at those sleeping angels.
Mostly, tonight, I'm thinking how lucky I am to have these days. I'm thinking how blessed I am and how fleeting life can be. I'm thinking how much I love my baby and my little sister-in-law. I'm thinking that I don't know what I would do if anything happened to them. I guess today was a really good day.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 11:02:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom, love, Reflection
I saw a post on Girly Dos about a family that has a little girl that is dying from cancer. There is a blogger who is giving money to this family. They will give $1.00 for each comment that is left on the post. Please visit the blog and post a comment. They are doing the donating, not you.
I visited the blog belonging to Tuesday's family. You can visit it by clicking on her picture below. The story is hear wrenching. The last post is of a family preparing to let go and building their final precious memories. I cried as I read the sweet and sad posts of a mother who must say goodbye much too soon.
Update: There was a simple post on their blog tonight...Tuesday Fiona Whitt - October 11, 2006 - January 30, 2009
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 05:45:00 PM 0 Remarks
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 11:37:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification freebies
"Good night sweet child," Mama said as she tucked Little Cub in.
But Little Cub wasn't quite ready to go to sleep. "Mama, where did I come from?" she asked.
"From God," her mother answered. "Your papa and I were alone, and we wanted a baby."
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 09:54:00 AM 2 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day
Changing habits and ways of doing things is difficult for anyone. We all get used to doing things one way and if someone comes in and makes a change, it's really hard. Dynisha is learning this right now. It's a lot of little things. Most she doesn't mind, but others are harder. Putting your clothes in your own laundry basket and the towels in the bathroom laundry basket. Take your coat and book bag to your room, don't drop them by the front door. Put your dishes in the sink. You can't leave them in your room until I clean up and find them.
Yesterday, after letting her relax and play awhile after school, I asked if she had homework. "Yes, I have a book to read, but I've already read it. I just need you to sign the paper." I made her read it out load again. She read it to Jamie while I listened. I told her that I would never sign that she did something unless I witnessed her doing it. She said, "Momma says I have to read to myself. She can't stand to listen to me read. She says it bothers her nerves." How sad. Now she has an audience who really appreciates her reading. Jamie sat in rapture. He pretty much idolizes her and he loves books.
She lost the pink cup that she was drinking from the night before. I made her go find it. She pitched a little bit of a fit, "What if I can't find it?!" I assured her that she could. She stomped around the house a bit, but as soon as she actually looked for it she found it and I put it in the dishwasher.
She loves her room. I gave her an alarm clock and told her she could start getting herself up in the morning. We all get up at the same time, but I think it's good for kids to be responsible for their own daily routines. She complained because Matt had some scary skull as a background on the computer in her room and it sat beside her alarm clock. She said it scared her in the mornings. I quickly googled "girly backgrounds" and found a pretty pink floral she was happy with. This morning she hit the snooze button three times, but she got herself up.
Getting her to do chores is not a chore at all. I suspect this will change eventually. Right now she is determined to please us. I imagine once she is really comfortable (assuming her mom doesn't change her mind) she will start balking. I could be wrong. Right now it's really pleasant. I told her, "I'm going to clean the big bathroom. You and Jamie can clean the little bathroom." She smiled sweetly, "You don't have to clean the big bathroom. I can do both."
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 09:17:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom, Dynisha
When the bus pulled up yesterday afternoon I eagerly walked to the door to gather my precious boy. "Laura," the bus driver said with a look of dismay on her face, "Jamie got in trouble on the bus today." Oh, no. He had hit another little boy with his puppy hat. When the aid had told him no he looked at her and hit the little boy again, laughing. Great. "This is the first time," the aid said, "but I said no." she gestured with a pointing finger, "and he did it anyway to spite me." All I could do was apologize for his behavior. I wanted to say I would take care of this, but I held my tongue because I didn't know if I could stop this. He might hit on the bus again tomorrow.
I gathered him off the bus. I wasn't sure how to handle this. Was it right to grab him up and give him the normal hugs and kisses, tell him how much I love him and laugh all the way to the house? No, that wasn't quite right. What was the right way to handle this? "Why did you hit Christian with your puppy hat?" I asked him, leaning down so I could look him in the eye. "I was just playing." I told him that this was not a nice way to play and he could not hit. He deftly tried to change the subject. I stopped in the road and knelt down in front of him. "You can't hit. It is bad. Do you understand?" He replied, "Yes" and we continued to the house. Once home he wanted ice cream. "Little boys who hit can't have ice cream." He fussed a little, but eventually accepted that he would not get any. Somehow it doesn't seem like enough. I have little confidence that he'll remember this the next day. I have little confidence he'll remember this in five minutes.
The problem is that he thinks this is a manner of play. Of course he does. Throughout his life others have played with him like this. I've tried to stop it but so many people think that this is an acceptable way of playing, especially with little boys. My mother and her husband do it, the girls do it, and my father-in-law does it. I envision how my mother encourages Jamie to hit her husband, "Hit him, Jamie. Hit him harder!" and my desperate pleas to stop, "Mom, I don't want him to hit. Jamie no hitting, it's not nice!" It seems I'm the only one around who doesn't play like this. Perhaps he thinks that I'm the one who is wrong. Mommy just doesn't get it.
I don't want him to be "that" little boy. It's moments like this when I feel woefully inadequate as a parent. I honestly don't know what more to do. I have always told him not to hit and punished him for hitting. He's getting mixed messages.
This morning he ran after Dynisha and slapped her hard on the stomach, like he was tagging her, then he ran off laughing. I grabbed him and again told him, "No hitting. That is not a nice way to play. Do you like to be hit?" He shook his head, "Other people don't like to be hit, either." No time for a time out. We have to rush for coats and book bags. It's time for the bus. I say a silent prayer, "Please, please let him be a good boy on the bus today."
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/30/2009 08:07:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom, Just Jamie
Obviously, I should be in bed because I just keep posting little meaningless drivel. I thought of a funny kidism that I hadn't shared, though. Okay, it might not be funny to everyone, but I find it quite humorous. These are the things that are so easy to forget over time.
Jamie has really bad dermatitis (or some flaking condition) on his head. It has a yellow color. We've been forced to start washing his hair with dandruff shampoo, which is really frightening because I don't want to burn his eyes. He's not really good at holding his head back. He always wants to lean forward. We're managing, though.
Every day Jamie feels his head for the little rough patches on his scalp. When he finds one he insists I check it out for him, "Mommy, look at the macaroni and cheese."
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/29/2009 01:03:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification kidisms
Well, I can tell it's time to update the baby-proofing in the kitchen. The drawer latches have gotten broken over the years and I never even put latches on the upper cabinets.
It's not my son that I need to baby proof for this time. It my wild and crazy cats. I'm up late getting laundry done and the cats are having a field day. They are actually opening cabinet doors and kitchen drawers, climbing in and out. That's just great. Dirty little cat paws all over my dishes and silverware!
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/29/2009 12:48:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom
Today was a pretty good day. Jamie woke up before anyone else. He said he didn't want to go to school at first, but then seemed to forget that he didn't want to go. Matthew loaded him and Dynisha into the van and I watched anxiously out the window to see if there would be a struggle when the bus arrived. We gave him his Eeyore to carry and see if that helped.
He got on the bus with only a slight hesitation. Matthew told me that in the van he told him that he loved Mommy and missed Mommy. What a heart breaker. Dynisha pepped him up about school and told him how they would go to school together next year. She said she would walk him to class.
When I went to get him off the bus in the afternoon it was sleeting. I had to stand in the icy rain for about 15 minutes. I thought ahead of time and brought a blanket to wrap Jamie in when I got him off the bus. I folded it as tight as I could and tucked it under my arm to keep it as dry as possible. When the bus finally arrived I was pretty well soaked and had little ice pellets stuck to my sleeves. The bus driver opened the doors and invited me in a little to get warm. Jamie came and hugged me. He was all smiles. He asked me where Dynisha was and I told him that she was still at school. He accepted this without fuss. I wrapped him in the blanket and walked him home. It's only three houses down the street, but it was freezing in the sleet. He told me all the way home how much he loved me, "I love you apple. I love you cupcake. I love you ice cream. Mommy, you're my best. I love you banana."
We came in and I asked him about his school day and he actually told me a few things about his day. He still wouldn't tell me what he had for lunch. I like to be sure he's eating. I think I'll ask his teacher if he's eating okay. He keeps telling me, "I don't eat. I just play." I suspect this is not true, but I better check.
When Dynisha got home they played on the computer for a little while and I called them to help with some housework. The two of them helped me clean some of the floors and the bathroom sink. I finished preparing the guest room for Dynisha and she is sleeping in her own room tonight. She is happy, but Jamie is not. He cried himself to sleep saying, "I want Isha. I want Isha!"
He asked to go back to Sprout Studio today. I tried to explain that it was gone so we couldn't go back. He didn't quite get the concept. He didn't cry or anything. I just think he believes that I'm telling him a fib.The icing on the cake today was getting his drum shirt in the mail. This was our favorite shirt last winter. We all adored it. I had looked for it on ebay at the beginning of winter but it was priced outside of what I was willing to pay each time I found it. Every time I didn't get it I was sorry, but thought I would eventually find it at the right price. I quit trying to get it months ago. On a whim I checked for it again and there it was for $10.00 or best offer. I offered $8.00 and got it ($11.00 shipped). When I opened the package and showed it to Jamie he grabbed it out of my hands and hugged it, "My drum shirt!" He wanted to put it on immediately but I told him that he could wear it to school tomorrow.
*The picture is from last year. I kind of miss his long hair.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/28/2009 09:52:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom, Just Jamie
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/28/2009 09:38:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/28/2009 08:36:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Just Jamie
This is a truly awesome freebie. Free photo Valentine Cards. When they say free, they mean free. I didn't even have to pay for shipping! I had a hard time figuring out which picture to use but ended up choosing one from our trip to Sprout Studio. I had a picture of him eating a giant lollipop I wanted to use, but someone had turned the resolution down on my camera and the picture quality was not good enough. Darn it.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/27/2009 10:03:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification freebies
Jamie refused to get on the bus today. He said he didn't want to go to school. He refused to put his feet down. The driver said we couldn't force him to get on. We drove him to school. He still didn't want to go, but didn't put up too much of a fight. When we got to his room we had to pull him in. At first he refused to leave our sides, but soon was distracted and went off to play. We talked to his teacher in the hallway. She said he's doing well. She's using a weighted vest on him during group to help him during group. He hasn't been napping, but she's giving him letters and numbers to play with during nap time and he stays on his mat and doesn't disturb the other children. She says this is perfectly acceptable. Many children at his age don't nap. It's just important that they rest. I agree.
She said she's not surprised he's acting this way. As she puts it, the honeymoon stage is over. Now he realizes that he must go every day and the novelty has worn off. I must admit that I am surprised. I must also admit that I'm glad we put him in preschool and that we are dealing with this now and not next year in kindergarten. I really don't think anything bad is happening at school. Still, the mother in me says to keep my eyes and ears open for any signs of trouble.
She said that she's also not surprised that he's having issues on the bus. The bus has a lot of stimulus and he gets overstimulated. It's a lot to handle for him. She says that what does surprise her is how well he does in the class room. There's a lot of commotion, some kids who have melt downs, etc. So far Jamie has not really reacted to this. She expected him to be overstimulated in the classroom.
Jamie will be having an assessment next week, I believe she said. After that they will call Matthew and I in for a conference to discuss Jamie. I wanted to ask if she thought Jamie was on the Autism Spectrum, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It's not because I'm afraid that he is. I'm fine with that. He's Jamie, with all his quirks and unique ways of thinking and doing things. I love him and if they want to put a "label" on what Jamie is that helps others understand his quirks and his way of learning and interacting in this world, then that is fine by me. Even my husband, who had a difficult time in the beginning with that idea, agrees with me on this. I am anxiously awaiting what they will say. I'm just ready for someone to say what they think is going on with Jamie.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/27/2009 11:40:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development, Just Jamie
Usually, Jamie's clothing size changes right on cue. This winter was no exception. As the leaves began to change some long sleeve shirts and pants were beginning to be required. The shirt sleeves hit halfway down his hands in the size four and made me doubt my purchase, but the year before had been the same. The pants were about right in length,maybe a hair too long and needed cuffing depending on the brand, but he swam in any waistband that was not adjustable. So winter moved in and his clothes began hitting just the right places.
Something different has happened this winter, though. His shirts are fitting just fine, but his legs are getting longer. The size four pants I bought just months earlier are beginning to creep up toward his ankles. I bought a pair of pants from Gymboree in a size five, sure they would be too big since Gymboree tends to run big. No. They fit just perfect. I can't believe it. My son has grown two pant sizes in just a few short months!
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/26/2009 03:33:00 PM 1 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development, Just Jamie
This is a lovely story that Jamie got from the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. This book is a story of courage, love, and seeing the true beauty inside.
Here's a nice site with learning activities related to this book.
If you have not signed your baby up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and you live in an area where it is available, you should do it immediately. Kids get a book a month until they turn 5 years old for free. Everyone is eligible. This is not an income based program. To sign up your child go to
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/26/2009 01:48:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day, freebies
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/25/2009 09:02:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification being a mom, Dynisha
I had to share a quick kidism. The other night when we were driving home from the grocery store Jamie was very sleepy. It's always cute to see his head drop and him fight to keep awake. I asked him if he was sleepy and he told me, "No, I'm not sleepy. My head's falling." A few seconds later he was fast asleep.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/25/2009 01:36:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification kidisms
I made the chicken stock a couple of days ago. I boiled a chicken with vegetables in a big pot and when it was done I let the stock cook down so the flavor was stronger. I drained it and put it in the refrigerator intending to make chicken and dumplings with it.
For the inside I sliced carrots, celery, potatoes, and added frozen peas to the stock. I cubed chicken and seasoned with basil, pepper, garlic, and parsley. I added a little milk then mixed all purpose flour with a little bit of oil and added it.
I made the crust with 2 cups of self-rising flour, 1/4 cup of canola oil, 1/2 cup of softened butter, and 2/3 cup of milk. I rolled it out and pressed it into a casserole dish, I poured my mixture into the dish and then I cut some dough into strips to make the lattice crust.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/23/2009 08:37:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Food and Recipes
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/23/2009 02:46:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day, Jamie's Development, Just Jamie
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/23/2009 09:29:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day
This morning Jamie did not want to go to school. This is the first time that he hasn't been excited and anxious to go. He hugged me and didn't want to let go. He told me he wanted to stay with Mommy, that he missed me. I hugged him and asked him why he didn't want to go, but he just repeated that he missed me. He knows how to tug at Mommy's heart strings.
I must admit I'm concerned, though. It seems uncharacteristic of him. I wonder if he got in trouble at school or if something happened yesterday. I can't get him to tell me about school. He won't tell me what he did at school and the only friend he will tell me he has is a nonverbal child. I wonder if he's making the adjustment well. I wonder if the other children are accepting him. I went ahead and emailed his teacher to find out. I hate for her to think I'm a nutso mom who is going to bug her to death, but I must make sure everything is okay if my child won't tell me himself.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/23/2009 09:20:00 AM 1 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development, Just Jamie
I'm starting a new segment of my blog called Book of the Day. I'm going to let Jamie pick out which book is his favorite for the day and share his favorites here so one day he can remember all the precious books he loved. I remember many of my favorite books all the way back to before I started Kindergarten. My all time favorite was Johnny Appleseed. I'm ashamed to admit that though this was my favorite book as a child and still inspires me to put apples on my Christmas tree, I have not purchased this book for Jamie.
I also vividly remember the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books, by Betty MacDonald, which I do have quite a collection of. The librarian at my elementary school read many of them to us and I must have check out each one at least a dozen times.
Reading has meant so much to me throughout my life. Reading has taught me, entertained me, and inspired me. I hope reading brings as much joy to my sons life as it has my own.
* I got the pictures of the books from and linked them to their description and purchase pages.
And what an appropriate day to find this fabulous freebie... a free scholastic book! Go to
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/22/2009 09:50:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Book of the Day, freebies
Jamie discovered his breath was visible this morning. It was funny. He kept going, "hhhaaa, hhhaaa" to make puffs of vapor appear in the air. I was worried he would get cold and very bored waiting for his bus. Apparently visible breath is extremely entertaining, though. He also ran up and down the hill at the end of the street. There was still a small dusting of snow left on it and Jamie found it amusing.
When the bus finally arrived I quickly ushered him to the door. He didn't want to go up. He wanted me, but they said I could not take him to his seat. With some coaxing the aide guided him up the steps and I waved as they buckled him into his seat. I was glad to see him smiling and pointing at me, undoubtedly telling the aide, "Look, Mommy is waving."
I wish I had taken my camera with me to the bus stop. Maybe tomorrow I will. I should have gotten his picture yesterday when he got off the bus to document his first ride in a school bus. I hate it when I miss milestones. Some people may not think this picture worthy, but I take pictures of everything I can. You only get one shot at the firsts.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/22/2009 09:29:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Just Jamie, kidisms
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/21/2009 10:27:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development, Just Jamie
The downside is that school has already been called off for tomorrow due to ice. I didn't find out until after Jamie went to bed. He's very excited about school tomorrow. He was supposed to ride the bus for the first time and it they had "Presidential Pajama Day" scheduled. We bought him a bland new pair of warm pajamas with Lightening McQueen from Cars on them. He calls them his speed pajamas. I'm not sure if the school will postpone the event or cancel it. I'll pack the pajamas in his book bag just in case when he goes back to school. I know he will be very disappointed when he gets up in the morning.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/19/2009 09:42:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Just Jamie
The one thing I hate about sending Jamie to school is writing his name in his clothes. Since I resale his clothes the following year, writing his name in them is a pretty big issue. I found this place on line at that has adorable labels that are pretty affordable in my opinion. You can get 50 personalized labels for $18.95. I found a promo code online GOCITYKIDS that dropped that price down to $15.60. Shipping is $4.95. They have lots of other personalized items that are very useful, too. I really like this place.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/18/2009 02:32:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification shopping
Today the teacher sent out a class news letter. Apparently they send one home at the end of each week to tell you what they did that week, what is going on in the coming week, and send reminders.
The kids read the book The Jacket I Wear in the Snow. They learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. They had a party today to celebrate his birthday. They learned about Rosa Parks.
Tuesday they are going to learn about the president and have a presidential pajama party. Jamie doesn't have winter pajamas. He wears shorts pajamas to bed. That means I'm going to have to go buy him a cute pair of pajamas for Tuesday.
The most precious thing was at the end of the newsletter...
"We have a new friend who has joined our class this week. His name is Jamie so you will hear the children talking about their new friend Jamie. We are excited to have Jamie and his family as part of our preschool family."
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/16/2009 02:15:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/16/2009 01:03:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification freebies
He babbled on and on about school throughout the evening. Obviously he had a very positive experience. This morning when I got him ready he broke my heart just a tiny bit. He said, "Mommy? Don't leave today. I lost you at school." I told him that Mommy's couldn't stay at school. I asked him if he wanted to go even if Mommy left and he said that he did. Today when I left I made sure he really knew I was leaving. I think that maybe yesterday he was distracted when I kissed him goodbye and was surprised when he realized I was gone. I don't think he was upset or anything. I just think he was surprised. Who can blame him. I hardly ever leave him anywhere, much less a strange place with strange people.He was a little disturbed yesterday because he left his Eeyore at school. We have three of them so it wasn't an issue. He was excited when he got into bed because he thought we went and got his Eeyore at school. When we got there this morning it was sitting in his cubby waiting for him.
He was happy to get to school and immediately put his coat, hat, and bag up in his cubby himself and put his communication folder in the appropriate basket. His teacher said he did pretty good following directions and everything yesterday. He did have a little trouble staying in his seat for long periods of time, but was not disruptive. I gave him big hugs and kisses and made sure he knew I was leaving and he went back to playing and there was no problem.
When we picked him up I got a big hug and kiss. He said he had fun and had a friend named Jack. He said he ate tomatoes. He said McKalah was gone today. He did not pee his pants.
I'm watching McKalah and Hayden for the next few days, maybe longer. My sister-in-law is having a hysterectomy. At least I'll have a little baby to cuddle while I'm missing my little boy.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/15/2009 05:28:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/14/2009 04:34:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
I'm up right now, getting ready to get him up. I was fine about this, even a little excited, until on the way to Walmart Matthew said something like, "I just keep thinking about if he falls down and gets hurt or something and he cries for his Mommy or Daddy and we won't be there." Suddenly, both of us were brushing the tears from our eyes. Somehow that thought actually hadn't entered my mind, but now a vivid picture of my little boy crying for me and me not being there to hug him and stroke his hair like I always do is almost too much to bear. I've got to get that picture out of my head. I got on to Matt for telling me that! I could have gone his whole life without thinking about him crying and me not there to comfort.
I sewed little tags in his clothes and packed his backpack last night. It's surreal. The little backpack he's using is one we picked up on sale at K-Mart three years ago. It's a football backpack. Many of you know our nickname for him has always been Football. I remember so vividly when we went in there was a sale display and there was this football backpack on sale for $2.00. Matthew just had to have it. He said Jamie would carry it his first day of school. I didn't believe he really would, but for $2.00, I wasn't worried about it. Today, he will carry that backpack to school.
Well, it's time to get this show on the road! At least he gets to start on a short day. He goes to school from 8:15 to 11:45 today. Wednesday is a short day in our school system, not just the preschool.
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/14/2009 07:01:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/13/2009 06:36:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
Well, tomorrow Jamie's first teacher will be visiting our home. I'm quite nervous. I can't believe that he will be starting school. I just gave birth to him a few months ago, right?
Today will be a day for mad cleaning. I want to make a good first impression. My mind is in a frenzy trying to decide what kind of snacks are appropriate for the occasion. Should I just have a plate of cookies prepped or is this a veggie platter kind of moment? She might not care for any snack at all but I feel that I have to have something to offer. Don't even get me started on my dilemma about what we should wear! I just pray Jamie keeps his clothing on. At home he likes to be naked, at least from the waist down. I wonder if she'll think I'm really strange when I pop out with the camera?
Here's the questions I came up with to ask her tomorrow...
How many children are in the class?
How many teachers aids?
What kind of discipline and/or reward system is used?
What kind of curriculum?
What kind of snacks? (Can parents send things like cupcakes or treats, like for Valentines Day?)
How long has teacher been working with preschool age children?
Does she have any experience with children who have autism spectrum disorders or sensory integration disorders?
What is the class schedule? (What do they do during the course of the day? How structured is it?)
Are there written reports on child’s progress? Are there parent teacher conferences?
Can parents visit? If they can how does that need to be arranged? Can they come for lunch? Can they observe the class?
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/12/2009 05:40:00 AM 0 Remarks
Classification Jamie's Development
Blah Blah Blah by Laura at 1/10/2009 12:26:00 PM 0 Remarks
Classification Just Jamie, Reflection