My 19 week appointment went fine. I didn't get an ultrasound, but we listened to the heartbeat and the baby is doing just fine. My OB said not to worry about pain in my cervix and spotting. That's all to be expected. He actually said the pain was good because with IC you don't feel it when you open and with the cerclage I'll definitely feel it ...if I start to dilate. My cervix is 2.5 to 3cm long and that's fine. We go back next Thursday, the seventeenth to have our ultrasound and learn the gender! I can't wait. There's not much new to report for now.
Jamie also had to go to his doctor Wednesday morning. He had to have a few shots. I was very proud of what a big boy he was. He didn't cry. When the nurse brought the shots in she asked him if he would get on the table and he got on it without any fuss. He said quite matter-of-factly, "I'm scared." He laid down on the table and held my hand and Eeyore. He did cry after he was actually poked, but he didn't scream or try to get away. I thought he did fabulous.
They weighed him and he weighed 42 pounds. He's growing so fast. He got to go with us to the OB appointment since it was directly after his appointment and there was not enough time to take him back to school. He kept saying that he wanted to go to the room with the screen. He wanted to see the baby. I told him that I did, too, but that we couldn't this time. He so sweet.
He told my mother yesterday that the boy had died but when the babies came out the doctor would put a shot in it's mouth and it would be alive again. We explain that the baby was gone and there would be only one. Sometimes it seems like he gets that, but sometimes he pops out with something that tells me he's still a bit confused, or maybe it's just a case of wishful thinking.