A New Little Pumpkin and Treats Gallore
I got a new little nephew for Halloween. He is McKalah's new little brother. He weighed just over 8lbs and was 20 inches long. He's a chubby, adorable little thing. When I finally got a chance to go see him my sister-in-laws mother was there holding him. The moment I walked in the door she informed me that I had to wash my hands and use hand sanitizer before holding him. Duh, I've done this before. I had a preemie in the NICU, I think I can handle a healthy newborn. After I finished washing my hands she made me sit down like I was a child before she would hand him to me. That was a little irritating. She probably would have had a heart attack if she had seen me kiss his chubby little cheeks. You'd think this was her first baby, but she has seven children and this is her second grandchild.
Jamie had a good Halloween. My uncle came by and took us out for the day. It was nice to get out and do something. He tried to take Jamie for a haircut but Jamie pitched a huge fit and we were not able to do anything more than a slight trim. Now he looks very girly to me. After that we went to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch. It's right across from my husband's work so we called him to join us. Matt had some big old double bacon cheeseburger, I had the Sonora chicken pasta, and Jamie had the little mini burgers. It was good and it was nice to have lunch out with my family, especially my uncle. After we went to my uncle's house for awhile and then to the grocery store. On the way home my uncle stopped by the butcher shop to pick up an order he had placed and he gave us some steaks. I'm saving them for my anniversary dinner that's coming up soon.

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