Testing Daddy?
I've been a bit ill the last few days and have spent much time in bed. Matthew took Saturday off to help me out. Since I was in bed most of the time he took care of Jamie. Jamie's behavior was definitely worse than when I am in charge. I'm not sure why. Though he's been extremely proud of not wetting his pants (he even stayed dry during the night Friday and woke up boasting about it Saturday morning), he wet his pants five or six times today. He wet his pants a couple of times yesterday, too. He whined and fussed. He hit Daddy with his Eeyore after repeatedly being told not to. He was defiant. Why in the world would he display so much bad behavior to his father? Perhaps it's about attention. My main theory is that since he doesn't have much time with his father that he is acting out with him for more attention. I know I've read that children will seek attention, positive or negative. He's a good boy at school and at other people's houses. Perhaps he also is unsure of his father's limits. Since he is with me all the time he is pretty well aware of how far he can go with me. Maybe he's testing to see how far he can go with his Daddy.

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