I Wonder If I'll Ever Get Back to Blogging

Where have I been? Um, no where. I just don't seem to have the energy to blog anymore. So what's been going on? Life.
I've got lots of stories to tell, but I don't have the time tonight. I'll come tell my stories later. Here's a quickly update on my life...
I was on bed rest for a long time. After my cerclage was removed my OB expected me to deliver within three days and that did not happen. Due to some diabetes related stomach issues I was induced at 38 weeks 5 days. It was longer and harder than anyone thought possible, but in the end I had a beautiful daughter named Bella. I'll give all the details later.
When Bella was 10 days old she was admitted to Children's Hospital with RSV. Over night I went from having a baby with a stuff nose to a baby on a ventilator in the PICU. She was released yesterday after 15 days. It's so good to be home.
Jamie's had a lot going on, too. Obviously he's had a lot of changes in his life. He's in the process of undergoing specialized testing for autism spectrum disorders. On the lighter side, I've signed him up for soccer and he's looking forward to that. He should start having practices at the beginning of March. He wants to take swimming lessons this summer and I'm definitely going to let him do that.
1 Remarks:
A huge Congratulations on the birth of Bella. i hope and pray she gets better and stronger with each passing day.
hope you are all doing well
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