This blog is just about my life and mostly revolves around my son, Jamie. This blog is a combination of everything, whether it may be a new recipe I tried, a good freebie I found, something funny Jamie said, or feelings I'm having about life in general. There's little rhyme or reason. I'll never win any blogging awards, but I enjoy writing about our lives and I mostly do it for my son. It's so easy to forget moments over the years. I've got all these little tidbits of our life in print and I hope that someday Jamie can enjoy them.

I called this blog Mother of Life, Mother of Loss because of my issues with pregnancy loss and the joy of finally bringing this wonderful person into the world. Truly, I feel the pains of loss, but you won't see too much of that here. I am blessed and I am, above all else, a mother of life.

After all the years of infertility and loss, Matthew and I were blessed with a surprise pregnancy. We were pregnant with twins, but unfortunately, Baby A could not stay with us. Baby B grew into a healthy and happy baby girl that we named Bella Marie. We are so blessed to have two beautiful children.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Is Gabriel Making Sense of School by Hartley Steiner

This isn't a book for Jamie, exactly.  This is a super simple overview of sensory processing disorder.  I was referred by a friend to Beach Brights Blog where I entered to win this book.  The blog author was so passionate about this book that she ended up sending it to everyone who commented, including myself.  I can see where the enthusiasm lies.  The breakdown explaining the child's responses to the world around him are simple and so understandable.  The book is based on the authors own child.  She has her own blog at Hartley's Life With 3 Boys


2 Remarks:

Betty: Reflections with Coffee June 24, 2010 at 9:00 AM  

Did you get your book?
I posted about it at
but haven't received it yet.
This was one book I was really interested in!

Laura June 24, 2010 at 11:19 PM  

Yes, I got it. It was a very good, simple illustration of how SPD affects a child at school and in life in general.