This blog is just about my life and mostly revolves around my son, Jamie. This blog is a combination of everything, whether it may be a new recipe I tried, a good freebie I found, something funny Jamie said, or feelings I'm having about life in general. There's little rhyme or reason. I'll never win any blogging awards, but I enjoy writing about our lives and I mostly do it for my son. It's so easy to forget moments over the years. I've got all these little tidbits of our life in print and I hope that someday Jamie can enjoy them.

I called this blog Mother of Life, Mother of Loss because of my issues with pregnancy loss and the joy of finally bringing this wonderful person into the world. Truly, I feel the pains of loss, but you won't see too much of that here. I am blessed and I am, above all else, a mother of life.

After all the years of infertility and loss, Matthew and I were blessed with a surprise pregnancy. We were pregnant with twins, but unfortunately, Baby A could not stay with us. Baby B grew into a healthy and happy baby girl that we named Bella Marie. We are so blessed to have two beautiful children.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No More Promises

I make no promises to ever update this blog again.  Maybe I should actually swear that I will NEVER update again.  Since I usually turn myself into a liar, that might actually cause some kind of amazing posting binge.

Here is a quick update.

I am now 23 weeks pregnant with a little girl we plan to name Mary Alice.  I didn't cry this time when the cerclage was placed. 

Bella is growing like a weed.  She is now 11 months old.  I hope one day she forgives me for the lack of information updated in her baby book!  It seems like life is crazy.  I feel so guilty for not getting more documented and more pictures taken.  Now we're having another one and I wonder where I'll find the time.  I might have to hire a sitter once a week just to update baby books and parent logs!

Jamie is doing better in school.  He's finally reading some.  We finished a speech evaluation today and his speech is actually fine.  Now we're finally going to go to an audiologist.  He starts physical therapy and occupational therapy next week.


1 Remarks:

Tawny March 30, 2011 at 5:50 AM  

hi there,
waiting ever so patiently for a new update
hope you and your family are well
