Happy Fifth Birthday, Jamie!
This is the 1:04pm picture (the time of Jamie's birth)...

It was dark before the kids even got to the water. They only got to play for a short time. We roasted hot dogs on the grill and Jamie got lots of presents. I don't have a lot of pictures to post because I don't have permission to post pics of the other kids.

Brianna's getting so big, too.
Jamie's Birth 1:04pm
Jamie wanted a hand cake for his birthday. Jamie and I made this together. He put all the m&m's on the fingers and some on the sides. The poor cakes melted before we even got them to the park.

It was dark before the kids even got to the water. They only got to play for a short time. We roasted hot dogs on the grill and Jamie got lots of presents. I don't have a lot of pictures to post because I don't have permission to post pics of the other kids.

Brianna's getting so big, too.
Here's some memories from previous birthdays...
Jamie's Birth 1:04pm
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