Welcome to Kindergarten
This morning started with a big breakfast. I fixed bacon, eggs, toast, strawberries, and milk. Dynisha spent the night so she could be with Jamie for his first day. I made much more bacon than I normally would. It is a special day. I wanted to start his day out right.
Jamie got himself dressed. He was excited about his new shoes. He wanted me to take a picture of them by themselves. I finally got him to agree to be in the picture with them.
Once the kids were dressed and ready to go they paused to let me take a few shots of them by the door. Jamie grabbed his lunch box and we were out the door. He was a little disappointed that he couldn't take his backpack today. He had picked out a yellow backpack. I don't know why, but that's what he wanted.
Jamie was a little nervous when we got to the school. He clung to me. I wanted to get pictures of him in front of the school and in the hallway, etc. but he was too frightened. It was very crowded. Dynisha walked with us. When we got to the classroom there was only one other child there already. This made it a little easier. Quickly he lost his death grip on me, gave up Eeyore, and found a spot at the table with the "shapes blocks". Matthew and I lingered as long as we dared. He asked me to stay with him. "I don't want you to leave me alone." He didn't cry, though. I told him that I couldn't stay, but that he wouldn't be alone. He resigned himself to the fact we were leaving, gave us "squishies" and went back to the table. We slipped out of the classroom and out the doors.
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